the tv detox

Learn How (and Why) to Replace Screen-Time with Free Play

a note from jerrica

Hey, there! You’re probably here because you stumbled upon my Instagram. You’re likely feeling all the emotions - I get it.

Before we get started, let’s clarify a few things. First, I am not an expert on screen-time. It’s true!

As a Child Development Specialist, my expertise is in early child development, play, early learning, and high-quality childcare. I am not particularly passionate about children’s television. I am simply a messenger on this topic.

In 2020, I began noticing my three-year-old son exhibiting some extreme challenging behaviors in response to certain popular children’s tv shows.

So, I began learning about the effects of screen-time and overstimulation on early brain development, sharing what I was learning with my small following on Instagram, and, after seeing some incredible positive changes in my son and hearing similar success stories from others, creating my surprisingly popular free course, The TV Detox.

I’m here to share free information and insights that have tremendously helped my family and so many others, in hopes that it may help yours as well.

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